Dr. Christian Ayebeng Botchway Visionbuilders Foundation

A Legacy Educational Foundation of Visionbuilders
"That We may, preserve our History: Protect our vision, inspire our hearts to act, ignite & unite our great minds that our gifts in humble service, may create radical transformation in our Africa".
Then Shall We Possess a Priceless Legacy Worthy of Acquisition.
The Gate: 2016-2021
Securing The Gate Project
We at The Foundation were thrilled in summer of 2021 to share with the Vice Chancellor & Director of Works (UHAS) the pending Foundation fundraising project for the gate replacement. (despite covid restrictions) ..our gift to UHAS.
The small Project. commenced August/September 2021 & by October 2021 Funds made available from Foundation and The Gate purchased as promised. .
Our beloved Mrs. Lucille Botchway Director of The foundation to whose heart this project was dear, at 90 years passed to glory on 12th Oct 2021 and all foundation projects were immediately halted. The passing of David Botchway in November 2021 was a very hard path to walk and we thank you for your prayers in this time of grief and mourning.
Despite some technical obstacles, work resumed in February 2022. Our heart felt Thanks to Director of Works Dr Vidogah, Prof Zotor, Mr. Sosu, Xola Aryitey,& our Invaluable contractor Ms Delali and Mr. Baba.
Our first project for Vision Builders Foundation 2021 is to restore the entrance of this Teshie Nungua dental clinic property donated to UHAS a young pioneer university in 2016 by the late Dr Christian A Botchway as part of his vision towards giving back to ones community, Teaching by preservation of history, enhancing preventative & academic health education and advocating lifelong mentorship for students and professionals to ultimately enhance the whole health of a nation
This is Dr C.A.,Botchway's Legacy exemplified in the selfless donation of a property for the whole health enhancement of a nation and is the ultimate Vision Building
That gate in violation of the intended vision now lies in severe disrepair awaiting commencement of UHAS projects which is delayed pending paperwork completion.
The security of any project or property is paramount to its ultimate success & therefore this will be our first project to secure the entrance of the ultimate Vision Building.
New Posts Construction for Gate Jan 2022

We Honor:Mrs. Lucille. M. Botchway (1931-2021)
Past Director Vision Builders Foundation

We Honor: Our Beloved Brother David A. Botchway 1970-2021
Completion of Gates at Teshie Nungua Dr. C.A Botchway Centre Feb 2022.

Thank you for your generous donations
Fundraising CD Raise up Kings and The Rhyme of The Sacred Tree are available for purchase.